In the two films by Sasnal („The Moon’s Daughter” 2019 and „Moon Stone” 2022) the artist evokes a continuation of his distinctive form. The onlooker becomes a witness to Sasnal’s domestic environment, the obscure, and the artist’s potential to hyperbolise the mundane. As it is often the case with Sasnal’s canvases, the narrative in both movies emerges from the unexpected confrontations with the artist’s family, quotidian rituals and everyday objects, which immediately become the main perpetuators of the storyline. In the selection of two movies, the prosaic customs become interrupted by extraterrestrial tropes, which allude to the mythical past. The plot in the first movie adapts the Germanic myth of a man being punished for collecting twigs during Sabbath, leaving him exiled to the Moon. As a speculative extension, the second part is an intimate continuation of the folk tale, which is supported by the pleasures and consequences of the contemporary environment.


Wilhelm Sasnal, An evening of contemporary 16 mm movies, 2024, Foksal Gallery Foundation, installation view, photo Marek Gardulski


Wilhelm Sasnal, An evening of contemporary 16 mm movies, 2024, Foksal Gallery Foundation, installation view, photo Marek Gardulski


Wilhelm Sasnal, An evening of contemporary 16 mm movies, 2024, Foksal Gallery Foundation, installation view, photo Marek Gardulski

Wilhelm Sasnal, An evening of contemporary 16 mm movies, 2024, Foksal Gallery Foundation, installation view, photo Marek Gardulski